Creek Week 2019 is already on! Be sure to check out the following events hosted or co-sponsored by the Urban Creeks Council:
Watershed Recovery in Montecito Panel Discussion (Monday 9/23, 6-8 pm, Faulkner Gallery at the Central Library, 40 E. Anapamu St.): Join the Urban Creeks Council and three expert guests for a panel discussion.
Walking Tour of Old San Jose Creek (Tuesday 9/24, 6pm, meet at gazebo at Goleta Valley Community Center, 5679 Hollister Ave) Join the Urban Creeks Council’s Eddie Harris for a walking tour of Old San Jose Creek.
Cold Springs Creek Walk (Wednesday 9/25, 9am, meet at Cold Springs Trailhead on East Mountain Dr. off Cold Spring Rd. in Montecito): Join naturalist and field guide author Mike Kresky and the Urban Creeks Council’s Louis Andaloro for a creek walk along Cold Springs Creek.
Hidden Valley Open Space Tour (Thursday 9/26, 9am, meet at the end of Palermo Dr.): Join the Urban Creeks Council and special guests for a walking tour along Arroyo Burro.
San Jose Creek Cleanup (hosted by the Environmental Defense Center and co-sponsored by UCC and the City of Goleta) (Saturday 9/28, 9am-12pm, meet at Berkeley Foot Bridge on Berkeley Rd. in Goleta): Join the City of Goleta, Environmental Defense Center, and Urban Creeks Council to help clean the creek! Contact Brian Trautwein at (805)963-1622 x108 or for details.
Email us at for more information, or view the full Creek Week schedule here.