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About Us

Santa Barbara Urban Creeks Council (UCC) is a non-profit, tax-deductible grassroots organization. We are not a government agency and are not subsidized by any government agency. All of the work that we do is done by volunteers. All of our operating funds come from individual donations.  We are a 30 year old organization dedicated to protecting and restoring streams and watersheds in Santa Barbara County.  Our work includes:


  • Collaborating with diverse public and private partners on creek restoration projects, including removing barriers to steelhead migration.

  • Educating community members, from school kids to adults, about the values of creeks.

  • Leading outings, tours, and creek cleanups for the community.

  • Supporting community members in becoming stewards of their neighborhood creeks.

  • Advocating for a balance between growing the built environment and preserving important riparian resources.


Board of Directors

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Anne Burdette


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Stephanie Moret

Vice President

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Conor Gorry


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Jean-Michel Ricard


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Shithi Kamal-Heikman

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Melissa Kreger


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Vince Semonsen

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Jason White

© 2024 by Santa Barbara Urban Creeks Council. 

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Mailing Address:

Santa Barbara Urban Creeks Council

P.O. Box 1467

Santa Barbara, CA 93102

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